Chawton House Library

Funding Chawton House Library

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  • The early stages of the project have been made possible through the vision and generosity of Sandy Lerner and the Leonard X. Bosack and Bette M. Kruger Charitable Foundation in America. It is both necessary and appropriate that support to cover the capital cost of the restoration of Chawton House be found elsewhere, in order not only to share the ‘ownership’ of the project but also to enable the Bosack-Kruger Foundation to create an endowment fund to cover the running costs.

    British trusts, companies and individuals can see that this project reverses the usual flow of their national heritage across the Atlantic, and will wish to reciprocate the generosity of the American foundation. Overseas donors can recognise that the project will provide unique international educational and research opportunities for people from their own countries who wish to study at Chawton.

    The costs associated with the early stages of the project ran into many millions of pounds. We now need a further £3 million to complete the restoration work on the house. Donors may wish to be associated with specific aspects of the project, and a breakdown of the cost of restoring different parts of the house is available on request. The need is urgent, as we must begin the work this year in order to open in 2025.

    Interest in the project is enormous: this is one of the most exciting literary developments of the new century and one of the most worthwhile. Chawton House Library welcomes guests who have an interest in its development, and we very much look forward to showing you round.

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