All Patrons enjoy privileged access to one of the finest collections of 18th century women's writing in the world through exclusive parties, private exhibitions, talks about the collection by our Librarian, insight into the massive conservation program of the building and grounds by our Estate Manager and specialized behind the scenes tours.
All Patrons also enjoy all the benefits of being a Friend or Supporter.
A Mary Robinson – Patron has the opportunity to adopt a book from the collection for one year. You will receive recognition on the Patronal Board at Chawton House Library
A donation of $500 entitles you to become a Mary Robinson – Patron.
A Mary Wollstonecraft – Patron also has the opportunity to adopt a book from the Chawton House Library and will receive recognition on the Patronal Board at Chawton House Library. We will also insert a permanent bookplate into your chosen book, recording your generous support for as long as the Library exists. A permanent note of recognition will also be inserted in our Library catalogue
A donation of $1,000 entitles you to become a Mary Wollstonecraft – Patron
Subscribe online or download the NAFCHL application form [PDF, 524KB] and return it to:
North American Friends of Chawton House Library
824 Roosevelt Trail, #130
Windham, ME 04062
T: 207 892 4358 F: 207 892 3258
North American Friends of Chawton House Library is a public charity, registered in Massachusetts and recognised by the Internal Revenue Service for the purposes of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.