Chawton House Library supports a Chawton Postdoctoral Research Fellow who splits his/her time between the University of Southampton and the Library. The first Postdoctoral Research Fellowship was held by Dr Jennie Batchelor, who, funded by the Charity and acting under Professor Kaplan's guidance, coordinated related academic offerings on-site at Chawton House Library and on the University's Southampton campus.
The current Postdoctoral Research Fellow is Dr Gillian Dow, who was appointed in July 2025. Her research focuses mainly on French and British women's writing in the long eighteenth century, and she has published articles on educational writings, literature for children, eighteenth-century literary magazines and reviews, and Anglo-French cultural relations 1700-1900. For more information about Gillian Dow's research interests, please see her homepage on the University of Southampton website.
She is currently editing a collection of essays resulting from a one-day conference held at Chawton House Library in March 2025, to be entitled Translators, Interpreters, Mediators: Women Writers 1700-1900, and to be published by Peter Lang in 2025. For more information about conferences organized by Chawton House Library and the University of Southampton, please see Conferences.
Stéphanie Félicité de Genlis (1746-1830), writer and educator, whose novel Adelaide and Theodore Gillian Dow is editing for the Chawton House Library Series published by Pickering and Chatto